
來源: 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-09-27

Schischek HVAC Solutions - Explosionproof Actuators and Control Systems

Schischek electric explosionproof products for heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) for industrial and offshore applications. Developed in conjunction with other control equipment to produce modern, reliable and proven explosionproof products utilising the latest technology.


ROM actuators provide quiet and reliable operation for all kinds of small ball valves and butterfly valves, as well as dampers and ventilation louvres. They provide local indication and manual override options together with a wide range of voltages.

Torque range 8 to 800 Nm (6 to 590 ?Small, compact & lightweight
?Manual override
?Externally adjustable mechanical stops*
?IP68 (10m / 100 hours) 北京直銷英國(guó)ROTORK電動(dòng)執(zhí)行器制造公司上海歐儀實(shí)業(yè)有限公司提供英國(guó)ROTORK電動(dòng)執(zhí)行器IQ3系列-IQ35 。

產(chǎn)品名稱:IKZJ-216 電動(dòng)執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu) IQ19
IKZJ-216 電動(dòng)執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu)


Introducing the CK Range

Technologically innovative while incorporating proven engineering, Rotork watertight CK range actuators are suitable for all valves in non-hazardous locations.

Rotork has developed the CK actuator range to provide a state-of-the-art product to the valve industry. The CK product range includes standard multi-turn actuators through to intelligent Centronik equipped actuators. 上海歐儀實(shí)業(yè)有限公司提供英國(guó)ROTORK電動(dòng)執(zhí)行器IQ3系列-IQTF125 。

Watertight, Dust tight and Explosionproof

The IQ enclosure is rated IP68 (submersible for 7 meters for 72 hours), NEMA 4/4X/6. It is completely watertight, dust tight and does not "breathe". Explosionproof certified actuators share the same enclosure. Customised paint finishes and fire protection coatings available.The IQ enclosure is rated IP68 (submersible for 7 meters for 72 hours), NEMA 4/4X/6. It is completely watertight, dust tight and does not "breathe". Explosionproof certified actuators share the same enclosure. Customised paint finishes and fire protection coatings available. 上海歐儀實(shí)業(yè)有限公司提供英國(guó)ROTORK電動(dòng)執(zhí)行器IQ3系列-IQTM2000 。山西智能英國(guó)ROTORK電動(dòng)執(zhí)行器廠商

上海歐儀實(shí)業(yè)有限公司提供英國(guó)ROTORK電動(dòng)執(zhí)行器IQ3系列-IQD25 。湖南官方英國(guó)ROTORK電動(dòng)執(zhí)行器直銷價(jià)格

產(chǎn)品名稱:IKZL-202 電動(dòng)執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu) IQ40
IKZL-202 電動(dòng)執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu)



上海歐儀實(shí)業(yè)有限公司辦公設(shè)施齊全,辦公環(huán)境優(yōu)越,為員工打造良好的辦公環(huán)境。在上海歐儀近多年發(fā)展歷史,公司旗下現(xiàn)有品牌派沃爾,美國(guó)博雷,德國(guó)蓋米,美國(guó)斯普瑞,日本巴閥,美國(guó)ASCO,韓國(guó)YTC,SMC等。公司堅(jiān)持以客戶為中心、派沃爾閥門(T&P控制閥、調(diào)節(jié)閥) ?美國(guó)博雷(BRAY控制閥) ?? 丹佛斯(DANFOSS控制閥、儀表) ? ? ?德國(guó)(GEMU控制閥)? 韓國(guó)工控(YT氣動(dòng)產(chǎn)品、HQ電動(dòng)產(chǎn)品) ?德國(guó)(EMG電動(dòng)產(chǎn)品)? 美國(guó)(ASCO電磁閥) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?日本(SMC過濾器、電磁閥)市場(chǎng)為導(dǎo)向,重信譽(yù),保質(zhì)量,想客戶之所想,急用戶之所急,全力以赴滿足客戶的一切需要。上海歐儀始終以質(zhì)量為發(fā)展,把顧客的滿意作為公司發(fā)展的動(dòng)力,致力于為顧客帶來***的蝶閥,球閥,電動(dòng)閥,調(diào)節(jié)閥。